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History Subject Guides: History 8: Ancient Civilizations Project

Databases for Your Ancient Civilizations Project

For a full database list with descriptions, click here.

You can also access the list of database usernames and passwords. Make sure you are logged in to your school e-mail to view the document.


Resources For Your Project

These resources have been assembled to help you with your Ancient Civilizarions project. Refer to it often while researching, writing, and citing.


Ask your librarians! We are happy to help.



NoodleTools is a citation and research tool that helps you:

  • Brainstorm and organize your ideas
  • Create an outline
  • Generate a Works Cited and in-text citations
  • Link your sources to your ideas

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LCC is an English coeducational K-11 school leading to the MEES Secondary Leaving Diploma / LCC est une école anglophone mixte de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire menant au DES du MEES.