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Lower Canada College LibGuides: Pre-University (12)

Pre-U Français

Tous les étudiants du cours de Français 12 doivent lire PyongYang de Guy Delisle pour être en mesure d’effectuer le projet de lecture qui sera présenté en août. (Cette lecture n'est pas nécessaire pour les étudiants du programme du Baccalauréat International, ni pour les étudiants qui ne suivent pas le cours de Français 12).

All students taking French 12 are required to read PyongYang by Guy Delisle in order to complete a class project in August. (This book is not required for students in the International Baccalaureate Programme, nor for those who are not taking French 12.)


Pre-U Reading List

For students entering Pre-U in September 2023. Click on the Fiction and Non-Fiction tabs below to view the titles for your grade.

You are required to read and annotate one of the titles on this list. You will be writing an English diagnostic essay on one of the titles at the beginning of the Pre-University year in early September; therefore, as you read the book, pay particular attention to the conventions of genre, e.g., plot, structure, setting, characterization, and theme.

IB Diploma Students:

You are required to read and annotate Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary translated by Geoffrey Wall (ISBN-13: 978-0140449129), with a focus on acquiring a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the novel while developing a keen awareness of Flaubert’s authorial choices.

Lower Canada College Libraries

514-482-9916 ext. 473

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LCC is an English coeducational K-11 school leading to the MEES Secondary Leaving Diploma / LCC est une école anglophone mixte de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire menant au DES du MEES.