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MYP Personal Project 2019-2020

A guide to help students with their MYP Personal Projects.

What are Global Contexts?

Photo credit: Duval County Public Schools

Identifying the global context for the project

Choose only one global context to define your goal. 

Global Context Examples of personal projects

Identities and relationships

This global context helps you look at what makes you different from others and what you share with others.

This is a starting point for understanding other people in your community and beyond.

Strands: (choose one)

Students will explore identity; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human. 

Possible explorations to develop:

• competition and cooperation

• teams

• affiliation and leadership

• Identity formation

• self-esteem

• status

• roles and role models

• personal efficacy and agency

• attitudes

• motivations

• independence

• happiness and the good life

• physical

• psychological and social development

• transitions

• health and well-being

• lifestyle choices

• human nature and human dignity;

• moral reasoning and ethical judgment

• consciousness and mind


Two sides of social networking; an awareness campaign about digital citizenship and cyber bullying

 How online identities impact offline relationships; a research essay

 Keeping culinary traditions; a video series following family recipes with historical relevance

 The effect of mass media on teenage identity; a short film 

Orientation in space and time

This global context is not just about studying the time and place of an event. It also means looking at how the event has made an impact on personal as well as global history.

For this global context, you will explore the question: How can understanding the "when" and "where" of events help you to understand the world in which you live today?

Strands: (choose one)

Students will explore personal histories; homes and journeys; turning points in humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations from personal, local and global perspectives. 

Possible explorations to develop:

• civilizations and social histories

• heritage

• pilgrimage

• migration

• displacement and exchange

• epochs

• eras

• turning points and “big history”

• scale

• duration

• frequency and variability

• peoples

• boundaries

• exchange and interaction

• natural and human landscapes and resources

• evolution

• constraints and adaptation


The Euclidean space perspective of the universe; a 3D model

 Explorers in search of a new world; immigration over the ages through visual texts

 The Mayflower and the dream of religious freedom; a personal family history

 Charting a family history through archives and a representational statue 

Personal and cultural expression

This global context is about creativity and forms of expression. It is also about seeing things from different points of view.

For this global context, you will explore the questions: What does it mean to be creative? What are some ways you can express yourself, your culture, your ideas and beliefs?

Strands: (choose one)

Students will explore the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. 

Possible explorations to develop:

• artistry

• craft

• creation

• beauty

• products

• systems and institutions

• social constructions of reality

• philosophies and ways of life

• belief systems

• ritual and play

• critical literacy

• languages and linguistic systems

• histories of ideas

• fields and disciplines

• analysis and argument

• metacognition and abstract thinking

• entrepreneurship

• practice and competency


Video games as a form of cultural expression; a short film using five video games that shows how they are an expression of our culture

The art of Manga in Japanese culture; a Japanese anime and a survey of the understanding of my peers

Culture and self-expression through dance at the local community arts centre; a performance 

Scientific and technical innovation

This global context is important because science and innovation help you adapt to the world. Scientific inquiry into the natural world helps you understand your world and the impact you have on it.

For this global context, you will explore the questions: What impact does the natural world have on you? What impact do you have on the natural world?

Strands: (choose one)

Students will explore the natural world and its laws; the interaction between people and the natural world; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments; the impact of environments on human activity; how humans adapt environments to their needs. 

Possible explorations to develop:

• systems

• models

• methods

• products

• processes and solutions

• adaptation

• ingenuity and progress

• opportunity

• risk

• consequences and responsibility

• modernization

• industrialization and engineering

• digital life

• virtual environments and the Information Age

• the biological revolution

• mathematical puzzles

• principles and discoveries


Nano fibres build stronger bikes; a prototype bike with nano fibres

 What’s the matter with the anti-matter?; an informational talk

 Why are genetics and genomics important to my health?; a media presentation

 Can stem cells replace organ transplants?; an investigative report 

Globalization and sustainability

This global context is about how concerned we are worldwide, how we make decisions about global issues and how we can act in a responsible way to make the world a better place.

For this global context, you will explore the questions: How are people connected and how does this impact me? How can our way of life and the systems we have in place last long term?

Strands: (choose one)

Students will explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the relationship between local and global processes; how local experiences mediate the global; the opportunities and tensions provided by world- interconnectedness; the impact of decision- making on humankind and the environment. 

Possible explorations to develop:

• markets

• commodities and commercialization

• human impact on the environment

• commonality

• diversity and interconnection

• consumption

• conservation

• natural resources and public goods


The struggle for water in developing countries; an awareness campaign

 The impact of the financial crises of Europe and the European Economic Community on the United States; a visual presentation

 Education as the tool to change the future of Peru; a workshop for adults

 The role of the developing countries in protecting the tropical rain forest; a collection of slides 

Fairness and development

This global context addresses the nature of conflict and peace and how they both relate to the issues of fairness and sustainability.

Strands: (choose one)

Students will explore rights and responsibilities; the relationship between communities; sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. 

Possible explorations to develop:

• democracy

• politics

• government and civil society

• inequality

• difference and inclusion

• human capability and development

• social entrepreneurs

• rights

• law

• civic responsibility and the public sphere

• justice

• peace and conflict

• management

• power and privilege

• authority,

• security and freedom

• imagining a hopeful future


Supporting fair trade: Cocoa trade in Ghana; an awareness campaign for our school restaurant/cafeteria to promote fair trade

 Open-market economies and their role in fair trade; a talk for students

 Exploring the intersections of race and inequality; a radio broadcast

 Asylum seekers and their right to live like us; a painting 



Material contained in this LibGuide has been sourced from the OCC (Online Curriculum Centre IBO)MYP Projects Guide 2016 , Yokohama International School Personal Project guide and the American International School of Lusaka.


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LCC is an English coeducational K-11 school leading to the MEES Secondary Leaving Diploma / LCC est une école anglophone mixte de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire menant au DES du MEES.