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MYP Personal Project 2019-2020

A guide to help students with their MYP Personal Projects.


Material contained in this LibGuide has been sourced from the OCC (Online Curriculum Centre IBO)MYP Projects Guide 2016 and Yokohama International School Personal Project guide.


Show evidence

  • show evidence of your self-management skills in the Planning section of your report
  • select parts of your process journal that demonstrate your self-management skills, such as timelines, schedules, goal setting lists and organizers, to add as appendices to your report.
  • Refer to these appendices when you discuss your self-management skills.

Self-Management Skills

Organization skills

Affective skills


  • Establish a clear timeline with short- and long-term deadlines

  • Meets deadlines consistently

  • Create a plan to complete the Personal Project

  • Set goals that are challenging and realistic

  • Plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and goals

  • Use appropriate strategies for organising complex information

  • Select and use technology effectively and productively


  • Practise focus and concentration

  • Practise strategies to overcome distractions



  • Demonstrate persistence and perseverance


Emotional Management

  • Practise strategies to reduce stress and anxiety


  • Practise analysing and attributing causes for failure

  • Practise managing self-talk

  • Practise positive thinking


  • Practise “bouncing back” after adversity, mistakes and failures

  • Practise dealing with disappointment and unmet expectations

  • Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal strategies (self-assessment)

  • Demonstrate flexibility in the selection and use of learning strategies

  • Try new ATL skills and evaluate their effectiveness

  • Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implications

  • Keep a Process Journal to record reflections


Consider content

  • what did I learn about today?

  • what don’t I yet understand?

  • what questions do I have now?


Consider ATL skills development

  • what can I do already?

  • what will I work on next?


Consider personal learning strategies

  • what can I do to become a more efficient and effective learner?

  • what factors are important for helping me learn well?

ATL skills PDF

Demonstrate excellent self-management skills (7-8)

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LCC is an English coeducational K-11 school leading to the MEES Secondary Leaving Diploma / LCC est une école anglophone mixte de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire menant au DES du MEES.