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MYP Personal Project 2019-2020

A guide to help students with their MYP Personal Projects.

Product or Outcome

  • Your Product must be chosen in response to the Global Context Exploration and your Goal
  • You should NOT choose a product before choosing the context exploration  and setting your goal
  • The MYP recommends spending 25 hours on your Personal project
  • Spending a huge amount of time creating a product does not guarantee you a high mark
  • The product is assessed in Criterion C: Taking Action 
    • creating an excellent product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria
    • demonstrate excellent research skills
    • demonstrate excellent communication and social skills

Self-Defined Criteria for Evaluating Your Final Product Outcome

How to develop a criteria

  • You are required to develop success criteria for the product/outcome.
  • You must define high quality and realistic criteria to measure the quality of your final outcome or product.
  • The criteria assesses how well your product/outcome allows you to reach your goal.
  • These criteria might outline what your product/outcome looks like, should do or achieve, how it should function, what parts or components it needs, or what it should be made from.
  • The most important things about the criteria are that they are:
    • Observable

    • Objective

    • Specific

    • Suitably challenging

    • Measurable

  • You must reference your criteria when documenting your progress in the process journal and use them to assess the final outcome or product.
  • The criteria should be defined after you have spent some time researching and should only be determined once you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and the proposed product/outcome of the project.
  • Look at the criteria list below for ideas about how to design your criteria. These are only suggestions. You should include only those criteria that fit your specific product/outcome; each student’s work will be different! These criteria should be included in your process journal and you should use them to assess your final product/outcome.
  • Usually, you will not be able to define the criteria until you have spent some time researching the goal, and the criteria should only be determined once you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and the proposed product/outcome.

You will need to ask yourself different questions in order to define the specifications. The questions you ask will depend on the type of outcome or product you are creating. Some questions you might find helpful are:

  • What will my outcome or product look like?

  • What type of materials will I use?

  • What techniques / approaches will I use?

  • What type of information will I include?

  • How will I present the information?

  • Will I include visuals?

  • Do I need to consider any copyright or intellectual property issues?

  • Who is the audience?

  • How will I get feedback about the success of my product/outcome?

Types of Products or Outcomes

You must produce a final product or outcome in response to your chosen Global Context explorationand Goal.
The following are examples:

  • original work of art
  • a model
  • a business plan
  • a campaign
  • a blueprint or architectural drawing
  • a research essay
  • a course of study
  • a debate
  • a film or some other work
  • a survey
  • informational talk
  • presentation with slides
  • an awareness campaign
  • podcast
  • blog, website
  • performance

To measure the quality of the product:

  • decide what makes a high-quality product
  • what has creating the product taught you about the global context?
  • include checklists, rubrics
  • document the criteria in your process journal
  • how has the product achieved my goal?

Sample criteria to assess the quality of your product

Set your own rigorous criteria remembering to measure how creating your product has taught you about the global context and how it has helped to achieve your goal


Material contained in this LibGuide has been sourced from the OCC (Online Curriculum Centre IBO)MYP Projects Guide 2016Yokohama International School Personal Project guide and the American International School of Lusaka.


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