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MYP Personal Project 2019-2020

A guide to help students with their MYP Personal Projects.

Whats' Your Style?

When we think of "taking notes," we usually think of a passive process that involves writing down exactly what we hear or see. This is unproductive as that approach to taking notes does not involve any careful consideration of idea or synthesizing of ideas.

Instead, consider "note-making." When you MAKE your notes you:

- Compare and contract ideas / time periods / people- looking for similarities and differences

- Determine what is most relevant for your line of inquiry, and state WHY what you have noted is relevant to you

- Generate questions about statements you do not understand, agree with, disagree with, or want to explore further.

The goal of all this is to make the process more GENERATIVE rather than PASSIVE.

Possible Systems:

Graphic organizers



Recorded audio notes


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LCC is an English coeducational K-11 school leading to the MEES Secondary Leaving Diploma / LCC est une école anglophone mixte de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire menant au DES du MEES.