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MYP Personal Project 2019-2020

A guide to help students with their MYP Personal Projects.

Sample Appendix

Appendix C

Evidence of: Communication and Social Skills

Giving and receiving feedback

Survey: European Migration and Re-Settlement Documentary



On a scale of 1-10 how much did the film contribute to your knowledge of why people migrate?

Low                               Medium                                        High

1         2        3        4         5       6       7        8        9           10


On a scale of 1-10 how much did the film contribute to your knowledge of the re-settlement process of migrants?

Low                               Medium                                        High

1         2        3        4         5       6       7        8        9           10


On a scale of 1-10 how much did the film contribute to increasing your empathy towards migrants?

Low                               Medium                                        High

1         2        3        4         5       6       7        8        9           10


How best describes your feeling about the length of the film? (12 mins)

Too short                     just right                                    Too Long

1         2        3        4         5       6       7        8        9           10


Which feature of the film did you think made the biggest impact?

  • Photo collage
  • Interviews
  • Film maker’s contribution
  • Music
  • End notes


After viewing the film how likely are you to explore ways to help newly arrived migrants?

Highly Unlikely             Likely                                          Highly Likely

1         2        3        4         5       6       7        8        9           10


After viewing the film how likely are you to explore ways to help refugees moving into your neighbourhood?

Highly Unlikely             Likely                                          Highly Likely

1         2        3        4         5       6       7        8        9           10


How best describes your reaction to the film?

  • Confronting
  • Nostalgic
  • Informative
  • All of the above
  • None of the above




What are appendices?

An appendix is supplementary material usually attached at the end of a piece of writing. 

The appendices must be extracts from the Process Journal. All extracts should contain the date they were added to the journal.

It may be material such as surveys, letters, graphs and charts. This material is important to the report and is used as evidence when discussing any of the ATL skills (researching, thinking, self-management, communication and social skills) and also addressing the the four criteria: investigating, planning, taking action and reflection.

Appendices should be identified with a letter or number such as Appendix C or Appendix 3, and also have a page number.


After screening my documentary I provided the audience with a feedback survey (see Appendix C, p13). Giving and receiving feedback demonstrates my communication and social skills. 



Material contained in this LibGuide has been sourced from the OCC (Online Curriculum Centre IBO)MYP Projects Guide 2016 and Yokohama International School Personal Project guide.


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